Creative Bravery Beyond the Backlash

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This guide focuses on how marketers can proactively prepare and embrace the commercial and creative opportunities of inclusive marketing.The Business Case for Inclusive Advertising

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This industry-first study proves inclusive advertising drives sales. The study was conducted with leading researchers from Saïd Business School at Oxford University, and leveraged proprietary data provided by Unstereotype Alliance members Bayer Consumer Healthcare, Diageo, the Geena Davis Institute, Kantar, Mars Incorporated, Mondelez International and Unilever.
Australia National Chapter Research 2023

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This research aims to understand how different Australians felt about their own social equity and their representation in media. This research was designed to be a tool for change.
Unstereotype Metric: 2023 Key Findings

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The Unstereotype Alliance with Kantar has measured over 22,000 ads across 72 countries, 7,600+ brands and 280 categories to produce the following 2023 Gender Unstereotype Metric key findings.
Inclusion = Income: The Business Case for Progressive Advertising

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This industry-first study proves inclusive advertising drives sales. The study conducted by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School academics Dr Felipe Thomaz and Prof Andrew Stephen is based on data from Unstereotype Alliance members.State of the Industry Report 3

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The third iteration of this report examines the progress of diversity, equity and inclusion across the global advertising industry.Read the report to find out where progress has been made and what we actions we can take to keep pushing forward.
Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report: 2022

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The 2022 Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report includes a review of the Alliance's growth and achievements against the three primary objectives set for the year. Download the document to read how the collective delivered against 1: Sustainable growth, focused on a consolidated intersectional agenda; 2: Increased impact through global and national chapter outputs and collective action; 3: Implementation of accountability and reporting mechanisms.
The Unstereotype Metric Guide

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In line with the pledge that all Unstereotype Alliance members have signed up to, there is a requirement for all advertisers to monitor the advertising content they produce to ensure they continuously improve on unstereotypical and progressive gender portrayal.Measuring our advertising content before final production with a rating from our consumers will ensure that we are able to free our content of any unconscious biases that may have crept in, it will give us the confidence that our advertising is truly unstereotypical and progressive.
Unstereotype Metric: 2022 Key Findings

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In 2022, the Unstereotype Alliance and Kantar measured over 16,000 ads across 61 countries, 2,900 brands and 246 categories and the below findings were extrapolated.

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The State of the Industry 2 report examines progress of diversity, equity and inclusion across the global advertising industry against three pillars - fostering workplace equality, achieving unstereotyped advertising, and empowering public action against stereotypes. The research, which covers the period of 2021 - 2022, showed some incremental improvements but highlights that inequity persists.
Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report: 2021
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The latest Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report includes a review of the Alliance's growth and achievements in 2021. Download the document to read an analysis of progress across the three objectives set for the year: 1: Accelerate the volume of progressive unstereotyped content in all Unstereotype Alliance markets; 2: Address all stereotypes and their intersectional impact in communications and mobilize action; 3: Broaden the geographical scope and awareness of the Unstereotype Alliance.
Women and Heritage Research June 2022

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The Women and Heritage study from the UK national chapter was carried out by media agency UM for the Unstereotype Alliance. It canvassed 2,000 UK women from a wide range of ethnic minority backgrounds, including Black African and Caribbean, Jewish, White Continental European, Middle Eastern, South East Asian and Southern Asian and has highlighted the struggles faced by women of minority ethnic heritage when it comes to prejudice, stereotyping and visibility...
The Levers of Change Gender Equality Attitudes Study 2022

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The Levers of Change: Gender Equality Attitudes Study 2022, is the latest iteration of a bi-annual global study that tracks attitudes towards gender. The study, developed under the leadership of UN Women in partnership with Johnson & Johnson, Kantar, Procter & Gamble and Unilever, examines perceptions across a multitude of areas including leadership and political participation, education, healthcare, the workplace, media representation, marriage and family life, safety and violence, and...
The Levers of Change Gender Equality Attitudes Study 2022 Infographic

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The Levers of Change: Gender Equality Study 2022 asked 20,000 people across 20 countries about attitudes towards gender, see key findings here
Unstereotype Metric: 2021 Key Findings

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The Unstereotype Alliance and Kantar measured over 14,000 ads across 70 countries, 3,300 brands and 251 categories to produce the following key findings in 2021.
Beyond Gender 2: The Impact of Intersectionality in Advertising

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This report details the results of a four-country study conducted by Ipsos for the Unstereotype Alliance, sponsored by LIONS. The purpose of the research was to examine the presence and impact of intersectionality in advertising across Japan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Unstereotype Alliance Annual Report: 2020

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The following report highlights the Unstereotype Alliance's progress in 2020. It encompasses tools produced across the Alliance to address inequalities within advertising content, a deep dive into the 76% growth in membership during 2020, the programmes and initiatives rolled out by national chapters, and more milestones from across the four Unstereotype Alliance workstreams.
State of the Industry Report

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The State of the Industry report assesses the progress of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives across the global advertising industry between 2020 - 2021.The report finds that pre-existing inequalities in the industry have been exacerbated amid the COVID-19 pandemic and, while global calls for social justice have led agencies and brands to scrutinise the levels of diversity in their workplaces and content, representation across the industry remains disproportionately low.
3Ps Unstereotype Marketing Communications Framework

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The 3Ps framework provides a set of guidelines that can be easily applied to all marketing communications in order to create progressive portrayals of all people. The 3Ps should be considered at every step of the communication development process, from brand target audience descriptions, to creative briefing, media briefing, research briefing, casting briefing, selecting the creative team, casting approval, pre- and post-communications testing, director treatment, pre- and post- production, and media selection.
Unstereotype Metric 2020: Key Findings

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The Unstereotype Alliance and Kantar measured over 3,500 advertisements across 56 countries, 1,100 brands and 29 categories between 2019-2020 and found that progressive advertising is more powerful, distinctive, resonant and creates a higher intention to purchase.
Gender Equality Attitude Study 2019

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Discriminatory social norms lead to a wide range of persistent human rights violations and the systematic denial of women’s equal access to political participation, employment, education and justice, while also gravely undermining women’s protection from all forms of discrimination and violence.The study serves as an evidence-based instrument that demonstrates how leveraging attitudinal change can be used as a critical tactic towards advancing gender equality. The findings have the potential to inform policymakers, advertisers, private sector leaders, civil society and decision-makers on challenging discriminatory attitudes and gender roles that perpetuate gender inequality and women’s subordinate status in society.
Shadow Pandemic Business Toolkit
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The global pandemic of COVID-19 has seen a deadly shadow pandemic emerge. A huge surge in domestic violence is being reported, and the outbreak is global. Women are trapped with their abusers and are isolated from the people and resources that can best help them. Whilst domestic violence is on a terrifying upward trajectory during this time, physical or sexual violence is already experienced by 1 in 3 women worldwide. That means that your leadership teams and staff will likely include women who are currently suffering from domestic abuse.
2019 Unstereotype Alliance Progress Report

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''Partners and allies, while we collectively celebrate these achievements, our work is far from over. Under the pressure of global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our task has grown even more significant. At the UN we have committed to achieving gender equality by 2030. That means tackling the many drivers of inequality that have been laid bare by the ongoing public health crisis, such as violence against women and girls, intergenerational poverty, and the lack of women in decision-making roles. So, as we enter this UN Decade of Action to achieve the SDGs, our last mile, I ask you to see our work together as signifying so much more than eliminating harmful stereotypes today. It is about asserting our solidarity in the face of common goals, and making broad and lasting cultural change that has the potential to transform our societies and our future." Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN Women
COVID-19 and GENDER Report (March 2020)
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The impacts and implications of COVID-19 are different for men and women• The response to coronavirus is a reminder of the essential contribution of women at alllevels, including as frontline responders, health professionals, community volunteers,transport and logistics managers, scientists, doctors, vaccine developers and more.• Women are playing a disproportionate role in responding to the disease, including asfrontline healthcare workers, carers at home and community leaders and mobilisers.Experience of other disease outbreaks shows that this care burden also increases their risk ofinfection. Globally, women make up 70 per cent of workers in the health and social sector1.Globally, women do three times as much unpaid care work as men. When health systems areoverloaded, a greater burden is placed on care in the home and that burden lands largely withwomen.
The Power of FOR - What Google search reveals about Invisible Identities

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New study uncovers the latest data-driven human insights to help eradicate stereotypes from advertising. Google conducted a Human Truths study that looked at the intersectionality reflected in searches containing the word FOR, an indicator that there is an aspect of the searchers’ identity that is critically important. The high-level findings of a new study on search that not only uncovers powerful insights into consumer intent, but how consumer searches can be used to surface the truth around ‘Invisible Identities'. The power of “_FOR_” highlights four ‘Invisible Identities.’
The Geena Benchmark Report: 2007 - 2017
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This report examines media representations of gender, race, LGBTQIA, and ability in family films from the past decade. More specifically, we analyze the identity of leads in the top grossing family films form 2007 to 2017 to see whether Hollywood content creators have made progress when it comes to telling stories of traditionally marginalized groups. .
The Unstereotype Alliance - Gender Equality Attitude Study
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The full report can be accessed here
Portray Her: Representations of Women STEM Characters in Media
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The Geena Davis Institue on Gender in Media conducted research that utilized a mixed methods approach to address their primary questions around the representation of women STEM characters in media. First, they employed a content analysis of STEM characters in entertainment media to determine how those characters and STEM professions were represented. Secondly, we use a survey to assess girls’ and women’s opinions of, and experiences in, STEM
Beyond Gender: The Invisible Stereotypes
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The latest Unstereotype Alliance research Beyond Gender:The Invisible Stereotypes, explores stereotypes in Brazil, India and South Africa and shows that representation matters. It also illustrates how gender intersects with cultural contexts and other forms of discrimination.
WFA Guide to Progressive Gender Portrayals
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WFA has launched new guidance designed to help brands ensure their advertising reflects a more progressive portrayal of both sexes. The WFA Guide makes social and business case for ‘unstereotyping’ ads, includes real life case studies and actionable tips for brand marketers.
The Female Quotient - Modern Guide to Equality
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The Female Quotient created The Modern Guide to Equality to accelerate the change in the workplace we want. It addresses the problem holistically, combining generational insights, workplace trends, and interviews with industry leaders to develop a toolkit and corporate workshops with next-step actions for change.