Publish Date: Oca 15, 2019
16 Day of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Creative Campaigns in US, UK, Thailand, Mexico, Turkey and India by WPP
Goal: To increase awareness around gender-based violence, honor and amplify voices of survivor and increase understanding of UN Women programs and initiatives around this topic.
What it is: WPP, with media support from GroupM helped to create 6 unique campaigns on the back of the Orange the World: #HearMeToo theme in order to draw awareness and promote messaging around 16 days in the UK, US, Mexico, Thailand, India and Turkey. The UN Women offices worked with JWT and GroupM agencies in these markets to create bespoke creative and media strategies that were locally relevant and impactful. These included influencer strategies, interactive websites, contextual ad placements, PR outreach, digital OOH, radio placements and much more.
While the campaigns all had the same objective of increasing awareness, they all had very different executions and ideas at the heart which included:
- Prompting viewers to give survivor stories and ear in India
- Interviews and live content in Mexico from influencers aiming to help women become better listeners
- Disruptive headline partnership with news organizations, a social media campaign, a website featuring an immersive experience that will shed light on what victims of violence go through every day and films profiling the stories of survivors in Thailand
- In Turkey, they used fireflies by asking “If you know a woman who experiences violence and can’t raise her voice, join us by lighting up a firefly via Let your light be her voice, courage, and power.”
- We used last year’s success of Draw a Line in the UK to create a second version, which aims to inspire the public to share their own pictures and messages explaining their personal reasons why they want to #DrawALine to create a visual representation of how people in the UK are united to end violence against women and girls.
- And finally, in the US we created a “Face the Facts” campaign that aimed to correct common misperceptions and misunderstandings on the subject of violence against women.
Impact: The support paid off with almost 60k unique page views and a massive $2.8m in donated pro bono media from global partners including: Oath, Snapchat, Facebook, Spotify, Pinterest, and Amazon, and local media partners including: Boardway, Republic TV, Cattri, SHOWTV, Ocean, Primesight, All4, CNN and Kinetic.
The Unstereotype Alliance Member Spotlight highlights members’ innovative experiences and exceptional efforts in the areas of social impact, diversity and inclusion. The case study serves as an example of best practices to lead the effort in fostering an unstereotyped culture.