Advertising market size (US$): 1.3 billion
Launch date: April 2022
Strategic priority: Eliminate gender stereotypes in all omnichannel advertising communication, including digital media, traditional media, points of sale, social networks and e-commerce. Foster representation of people using an intersectional approach to address deep-seated inequalities.
Champion: Unilever
Members: Alurralde Jasper + Asoc., Avon, Diageo, Globant, Mastercard, SAP Argentina.
Allies: Cámara Argentina de Anunciantes (CAA), Mujeres en Publicidad (MEP)
Argentina National Chapter translates the 3Ps Playbook and toolkit as well as the 101 Unstereotype Guide into Spanish
Thanks to the support of Alurralde Jasper + Asoc, member of the Argentina National Chapter, the 3Ps Toolkit is available in Spanish. The Argentina National Chapter also localized the B2C campaign, #SiNoDicesNadaNoCambiasNada (#SayNothingChangeNothing) by translating the videos and the 101 Unstereotype Guide into Spanish >

Argentina National Chapter hosts an unstereotyping storytelling workshop
The Argentina National Chapter held a workshop in collaboration with Mariana Jasper, partner at Alurralde Jasper, to educate advertisers on the importance of unstereotyping their storytelling. Nearly 1,000 participants joined the workshop, which aimed to enhance their skills in crafting new narratives to contribute to the eradication of stereotypes. During the session, the presenters also introduced the recently launched B2C campaign, #SiNoDicesNadaNoCambiasNada (#SayNothingChangeNothing) underscoring the significance of raising awareness about the detrimental impact of harmful stereotypes on society. Additionally, educational content from the Unstereotype 101 guide was shared with participants to empower individuals to take action. You can access the resource here >
Argentina national chapter launches new ‘Disarming Stereotypes’ research
In December 2023, the Argentina national chapter launched the new ‘Disarming Stereotypes’ research which examines the state of advertising in Argentina. Developed and conducted between January and October 2023, the study aims to encourage the Argentinian advertising industry to produce ads that are free of harmful stereotypes. The research was carried out by #MEP (Mujeres en Publicidad), with support from the Argentine Chamber of Advertisers (CAA) and Diageo, on behalf of the Unstereotype Alliance and UN Women. It identified the stereotypes prevalent in 27 award-winning Argentinian ads, with a focus on gender, diversity, and intersectionality. The findings showed that women are no longer portrayed solely related to topics about beauty or as competing with each other - a positive shift from previous studies. Furthermore, men in Argentinian ads are now portrayed in roles with more empathy and kindness, demonstrating a substantial positive change in the way masculinities are depicted.
Launch: The Unstereotype Alliance Argentina National Chapter launched in April 2022 with a founding group of ten members and allies.
Learn more
- Complete the membership form to enquire about joining the Argentina National Chapter
- Learn more about UN Women Argentina.