What gets measured, gets managed
Kantar believes: “what gets measured gets managed” – a central tenet of their work with the Unstereotype Alliance and beyond. Since 2017, Kantar has helped develop, support and drive the Gender Unstereotype Metric (GUM), Progressive Unstereotype Metric (PUM), and the Gender Equality Attitudes Study.
“This work has quantified and tracked the scale and entrenchment of discriminatory attitudes and harmful gender-based stereotypes, aiding all decision makers, from policy-makers to academics, marketers, private sector leaders and civil society, to be more progressive in their actions,” says Frankum.
The work Kantar does on GUM, PUM, the Gender Equality Attitudes Study as well as their proprietary Brand Inclusion Index found that whilst good intentions are getting recognized by consumers, society and the ad industry must keep working to close inclusion gaps. “65% of people who are not well-represented in advertising experienced discrimination in the last year which is ten-percentage point difference compared to those who are regularly well-represented.”
There is also lots of progress to celebrate: the Brand Inclusion Index, also found that 7 in 10 people think that brands are making an effort to be more inclusive. Specifically, gender portrayal in advertising has witnessed notable improvements over the past five years. The data and analysis Kantar provides increases accountability while showing that change is possible: “we stay focused on and committed to always getting better on working to close inclusion gaps – which is more important than ever.”