Advertising market size (US$): 994 million
Launch date: December 2021
Strategic priorities: To use advertising as a force for progress by depicting positive portrayals of women and girls, and ensure the industry rejects all harmful stereotypes, including gender stereotypes.
Members: First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Guinness Nigeria, SO&U LTD, Unilever Nigeria Plc., X3M IDEAS LTD
Allies: Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR)
Nigeria National Chapter founding member X3M Ideas makes history with first ever Cannes Lion for Nigeria and West Africa
In 2023, X3M Ideas, a founding member of the Unstereotype Alliance Nigeria National Chapter, made history in June by taking home the first Cannes Lion ever not just to Nigeria, but to West Africa. X3M Ideas secured a Bronze Lion for ‘The Soot Life Expectancy', a significant accomplishment for the agency and the chapter, as it brought visibility to the often under-represented creative landscape in Nigeria.

Nigeria National Chapter holds 'Unstereotyping in Marketing Communications' panel at the Lagos Advertising and Ideas Festival (LAIF)
The Nigeria National Chapter collaborated with the Lagos Advertising and Ideas Festival (LAIF) to host a groundbreaking panel session titled 'Unstereotyping in Marketing Communications' during the LAIF & Direct event - the first of its kind. Ope Makinwa, Head of Reserve at Diageo/Guinness Nigeria, stressed the urgency of unstereotyping marketing in response to heightened public awareness of racism and gender inequality post COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement. The panelists also emphasized the importance of formative research for global brand understanding and the significance of unstereotyping media to bridge the gender gap in advertising. Lagos Advertising & Ideas Festival (LAIF) is hosted by ally of the Nigeria chapter, the Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (AAAN), and seeks to recognize creative excellence, help improve the quality of creative craft, and promote a spirit of healthy competition, applying global best practices.

Launch: The Unstereotype Alliance Nigeria National Chapter launched in December 2021 with a founding group of seven members and allies.
Learn more
- Complete the membership form to enquire about joining the Nigeria National Chapter. Learn more about UN Women Nigeria.